21 November, 2023 | Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

 Gospel Mt 12:46-50

While Jesus was speaking to the crowds,

his mother and his brothers appeared outside,

wishing to speak with him.

Someone told him, "Your mother and your brothers are standing outside,

asking to speak with you."

But he said in reply to the one who told him,

"Who is my mother?  

Who are my brothers?"

And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said,

"Here are my mother and my brothers.

For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father

is my brother, and sister, and mother."


The Presentation of Mary reminds us that we can go on a pilgrimage of thanksgiving, to give thanks to God for a blessing received. In their gratitude, Joachim and Anne pledged to dedicate Mary to God and give her to  God's service in the temple. To carry this out, it meant they had to make sacrifice and go on pilgrimage.  Mary chooses God at this point in her life, even if at such a young age.  We could say that God chose Mary, as he foresaw the merits of Christ’s cross and applied them to Mary. But the Presentation allows Mary to exercise her free will and choose to live her life devoted to God. Mary’s choice lends us an example to follow. Each day is an opportunity for us to renew and recommit ourselves to the Lord’s service, just as she did in the temple.


Mary trusted that God's plan for her life was greater than she could imagine. We should also have faith in God's plan and His ability to transform us.
